Thursday, March 26, 2009

Filters: Color and Contrast

For these I took a simple photo that had some color and shadow. The overall goal was to enhance the color and contrast of the picture, specifically, in the shadows reflected on the wall. I also wanted to enhance the plastic, cartoony feel of the bottles.

With this goal in mind I tried about 10 different filters with variations of each one. I picked the best 3 from those. While I did keep my original goal in mind for each, I also did what I always have done when using filters on my photos, which is basically pick what looks good. I don't know how to define it much more than that. The 3 filters I ended up using for my orginal goal/them are Dark Strokes, Sumi-e and Accented Edges. The Glowing Edges one I threw in as an abstract departure. Its been done I know, but I've always liked it, and I like how it emphasizes the bottles and their colors. I recommend clicking to enlarge each one to get the best feel for its effect.

Original Photo

 Accented Edges Filter

-enhances the texture of the wall, shape and plastic feel of the bottles. enchances color, shadows and spots of light on the wall-

Dark Strokes Filter 
-high contrast with this one, it really darkens the shadows and turns up the color on the wall-

Sumi-e Filter 
-another high contrast, similar to the Dark Strokes but less is lost in the shadows, more clarity-

Glowing Edges Filter  
-gives an abstract feel and highlights the colors and outlines of the bottles, bringing them into the foreground-

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